I’m going to try to post more often now, so here’s a relatively short post for you.
My romance with France is over*
After the conference last week, I’m beginning to suffer from “study away novelty wearoff”. A friend who was studying at Babson from Austria told me about it a month into his study away experience. He was beginning to miss his home, and even though he really liked Babson, the novelty was beginning to wear off.
The cycle of study away |
That’s probably where I’m was at earlier this week. No longer is it exciting just to talk and meet new people. All the sites in Paris just seem like another tourist destination. People are friendly but of course aren’t as close as friends at home.
However, a good dose of sickness and physics got me over that slump this weekend. I studied semiconductor physics for 4 days straight (while resting from being sick). Now ready to visit England the next week and a half for winter vacation and finish (already!) off my last month at Polytechnique
*My choice of wording was solely based on the rhyme
Read on about Stone soup!